How to choose a permanent makeup/ microblading /ombre brow artist?
Hi, My name is Judy and I’ve been doing permanent makeup for 3 years! I do Microblading, ombre brow, eyeliner, and lip blush! My studio is located in Downtown Alhambra California!
Hi! this is me!
Top 4 things to look for when choosing a permanent makeup artist!
An tattoo artist must have an updated bloodborne pathogen certificate and work from a facility that has passed the health department inspection. You are aligned with the style of the Artist. The artist is experienced and has many years under his/her belt. Find an artist that’s in your price range normally $300-700
Number 1: Certification
First things first! Let’s get the boring stuff out of the way but ONE MOST crucial point. Make SURE they are working from a facility that has passed the health department and the artist has an updated bloodborne pathogen certificate! This should be displayed on their walls very visibly when you walk into the studio along with their certificate of completion of the places your artist took their training. You can even ask your artist prior to coming in as to where they received their training and do further research on the trainer. You do not want to go to a cousin’s nail technician’s aunt’s basement to get a tattoo on your FACE! Serious infections and transmittable diseases can happen! A droplet of blood from someone who has hepatitis B can survive on the service for 7 days!!!!
Number 2! BEAUTY is in the eyes of the beholder!
MAKE SURE you look at the artists’ work before booking. Probably the best way is on their Instagram! (Mine is @effortlesspmu ) If you want some reviews you can see their yelp page. ( You will get an idea of what type of brows your artist likes to do because we all have our own style since we all see beauty differently! it doesn’t mean one is superior to another, it's just different! Don’t choose an artist that does natural brows and ask for brows on fleek because I bet he/she won’t be comfortable doing it (maybe doesn’t even know how) and it probably will not turn out as you hope! Just like a stage makeup artist probably will not be the best to do your wedding makeup. Even though they are both trained to do makeup.
Number 3: knowledge knowledge knowledge!
For instance, I’ve had clients who come to me who’s had Microblading done and right away I knew they are not a candidate for the procedure. Their skin is very sensitive, the skin is extremely oily, and has big pores. I know right away micro bladed strokes will not heal well. A responsible and knowledgeable artist would have informed you to do a natural powder brow if your goal is to obtain a natural look. As an ethical artist, I understand that at the end of the day this is still a tattoo, it’s not just makeup that you can take off when you are tired of the look. This will be on your face for quite a while. The design and color need to stand the test of time and not just follow a certain trend. In my opinion with permanent makeup, less is more. When everything heals you can always add makeup on top of the microbladed or ombre brow. Permanent makeup, in my opinion, is meant to enhance your baseline so you wake up looking refreshed NOT wake up like you are ready to hit the clubs. From personal experience, how I do my makeup in my 20s dramatically changes how I do them in my 30s. You don’t want to be stuck with a brow that’s suitable in your 20s when you’re 50.
Number 4: PRICE!
Why is someone charging 1500 for a set of brows and others charge 150? A whole 0 difference!???!!! It all comes down to simple economics! SUPPLY AND DEMAND! more famous artists just have more demand so they are able to charge that price simply because people are willing to pay. Location plays a huge factor. For example, the rent and just about everything else is more expensive in Beverly Hills. USUALLY, a more seasoned artist will charge more than someone who’s just starting out because you’re paying for their experience and efficiency. The longer someone tattoos your face the more damage they are doing to the skin! So if 1 artist can finish tattooing in 1 hour but takes someone else 2 hours. Even though they can get the similar results aesthetically but guess who’s skin is more traumatized at the end of the day? In my area, most artists charge between $300-$500.
I hope you found this helpful! Please let me know if you have any questions. You can email me at
Stay Effortless Beautiful,
Judy Liang